The ground-breaking book that presents documentary proof that Lincoln owned slaves and sold them.

Nance, a girl held in servitude in 1830s Illinois, sued for her freedom, up to the state's Supreme Court. It was a first for her attorney, too: Abraham Lincoln. Their story has never been told until now. dit me. It's easy.
"This book is one of the best books I've ever read, and I've read a lot of books! If you are looking for one book to help you understand the Rosary better, then this is it. It covers every aspect of the Rosary in depth, and adds much detail, making it a treasure chest of knowledge about the Catholic faith. It is written in a compelling way, never dry … worth every penny. I know that I will reread it over and over again; in addition, I hope to teach a class at my church this year on it. I have several other books on the Rosary, but this is worth all of them put together." -- O.M.B., WA
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Was Mary Todd Lincoln insane? That was the verdict of the Cook County Court. But was that a miscarriage of justice?
Drawing on newly uncovered primary documents, with unparalleled depth of scholarship and his trademark humor ― and with a fresh sarcasm appropriate to the state of Lincoln Studies ― best-selling historian Kevin Orlin Johnson sets the record straight aboutMary Todd's drug use, Robert's kangaroo court, and the state of psychiatric science then and now.
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